BEGINNING... In January 2004 George Popescu together with guitar player Bogdan Paunescu ,decided to form a heavy-metal band. First rehearsals started with covers from classic heavy metal bands like JUDAS PRIEST, ACCEPT, TWISTED SISTER and BLACK SABBATH. But the band wasn't complete. First option for vocals is a female voice (Corina Brujan). The attempt is not very satisfying, so, Bogdan takes over the vocal part also. The band is completed with Edi Nicolaescu-drums and Codrut Andrei-guitar(classmate with George and Bogdan in "Adi Manolovici - guitar class" ). With a complete line-up the band starts rehearsals at "Casa Studentilor"in Bucharest, where they share the rehearsal room and also the drummer with the band One Night Stand ("nicknamed" later by mistake as ...Midnight Stand). Few hard'n heavy covers later and the band is ready to face the world. THE DEBUT... On September 19th 2004, took place the oficial debut of the band , which from that moment will be known as
R.U.S.T. ,at "Jukebox" Club in Bucharest. The line-up at that moment was : Bogdan Paunescu - vocals/guitar, Codrut Andrei - guitar, Edi Nicolaescu - drums, George Popescu - bass. The concert is repeated exactly a week later, on 26th September...it was the last concert with the original line-up. THE BEGINNING OF THE PROBLEMS... At the end of the year 2004, Edi Nicolaescu and Bogdan Paunescu,

decide to leave the band. In February 2005, Codrut Andrei starts playing with "Adi Manolovici & Syndikate" , and George Popescu starts a colaboration with the band Midnight Stand. For more than six months R.U.S.T. is on hold, waiting for better times... BACK IN BUSINESS... The better times arrive in August, same year, when George Popescu , Edi Nicolaescu, Codrut Andrei and the new lead singer and guitarist Andrei Baiasiu ( ex- Lucky 13) resume reharsals. Things are working well and in October 2005, R.U.S.T. is back on stage, this time with two personal songs ( FINALLY FREE and BLACK WOLF). In 2006, after a calm start in the new year, the band headlines in 2 more concerts. But in June, Codrut Andrei and Edi Nicolaescu, decide to focus exclusivelly on their other projects, "Adi Manolovici & Syndykate" and "Midnight Stand". This time, the band stands together and the two are replaced by Ionut Ciolan-guitar and Razvan Staicut-drums. With this line-up, in August 2006, R.U.S.T. goes for the first time "on the road" , playing at the "White Horse" Club in Costinesti. A month later, Ionut Ciolan leaves the band, to work on his own project ''Thoughts". He is replaced by Stelian Sescu. "HEAVY-METAL RESURRECTION" On 30th November 2006, takes place the first concert organized and promotted exclusivelly by the band, titled "HEAVY-METAL RESURRECTION" , at "Big Mamou" Club in Bucharest. After this concert, Stelian Sescu leaves the band for personal reasons. He is replaced by Adrian Coman. PRESENT The year 2007 finds R.U.S.T. in full throttle, rehearsing and working at their first demo. "THE BEGINNING..." was recorded on march 2007, at "Taine-Multimedia Studio" and contains 3 songs: FIRESTORM, BLACK WOLF, HERD OF MUSTANGS. In

June 2007, another page of R.U.S.T. history is turned. Razvan Staicut leaves the band and R.U.S.T. starts the reahearsalls with heavy-metal veteran drummer Gusti Costinescu. Sptember 2007 - Adrian Coman leaves the band. RETURN OF THE WANDERER March 2008 , the drummer Razvan Staicut has returned in the band. We hope that this time is for good. May 2008 , the new guitar player of R.U.S.T. is Radu Banu. June 2008, R.U.S.T. is back in bussines with the new line up, completed with the lead singer Mircea Cristea. ROCK UNDER THE SIGN OF THUNDER
Band Members:Mircea Cristea-vocals,

Radu Banu-guitar,
George Popescu-bass,
Razvan Staicut-drums